
While fighting for the legislative change necessary for change, we must take immediate measures to save the lives of those without access to clean water now.

In addition to over pumping the ground-water and desertifying the earth, we are polluting our dwindling fresh water supply beyond human use.

Blue Gold reveals horrifying stories such as Mexico City farms are irrigated with raw sewage as the corrupt government gives its fresh water to Coca-Cola. On the US/ Mexican border, the New River is so polluted that US Border Patrol refuse to go in after illegal aliens who dare swim it (left) and become contaminated with 100s of diseases.

As our wetlands are destroyed, natures ability to filter pollutants diminishes.


Embed this banner on your site to spread the word.


Force change in laws, save wetlands, stay informed.


Write your government



Take Action:

  1. Learn about the problem
  2. Write you local government. Let your politicians know that as a voter you are aware of the problem and demand they help.
  3. Sign petitions such as the Clean Water Trust Fund
  4. In the USA, sign up your state for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

Save your wetlands

Wetlands are natures filters which clean out pollutants before returning water into the hydrologic cycle. 60% of the worlds wetlands are destroyed.


Take Action:

  1. Learn, support, and spread the word;
  2. Write you local government. Let your politicians know that as a voter you are aware of the problem and demand they help.

Beware of Desalination Procrastination

It is common for people to brush off the water crisis because Desalination is going to come and "save us". Blue Gold points out the dangers of depending on technology versus taking care of the water already around us. Corporations or governments who build and own the expensive desalination plants will have too much control if we allow ourselves to depend on them for survival. Companies are also turning to profit from cleaning water that they themselves first pollute via the lack of regulation.


Take Action:

  1. Support Blue Alternative solutions NOW versus waiting for Desalination solutions.
  2. Write you local government to make sure companies are not being allowed to both pollute the water and then turn around and charge people for cleaning it with technology they own.

Start at home.


Take Action:

How to Clean Up Out Water

blue gold